More Progress! (Commission Part 5)

Leaf progressI’ve finished the second maple leaf, and shifted the frame so I can move upward. There’s a detail photo of the new leaf, as well as one of the whole frame. The latter should give you an idea of the sheer scale of this piece! The embroidery is 8 X 10 – the fabric 18 X 24.

Notice that the color scheme on this leaf, while using the same thread colors, wasn’t painted in the same way. I wanted to go for the natural look, and no leaf changes color in the same way, let alone in an exact mirror image! So while the colors are generally in the same areas, there are some definite deviations in the way the leaves are changing colors. Leaving the colors in the same place created more balance in the piece, but changing the proportions slightly makes it seem more real.


For the rest of this series:

Part I -Fall Leaves
Part II – Commission, Part II
Part III – Leaf Progress
Part IV – Progress
Part V – This post!

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