Category Archives: My Projects

What I’m working on currently. Project updates and design links.

Watercolor Illustration

Watercolor Illustration

Computer issues continue, but they’re starting to resolve themselves! So in addition to stitching, I’ve been trying to build a competence in illustration… I wish I’d developed the focus to work on this stuff more consistently earlier in my life, but better late than never! The embedded time-lapse is of a watercolor illustration of a koi mermaid brushing her hair. It’s not as perfect as I’d like it to be, but then again, what ever is? I’m pleased that the video came out. And there was a LOT of learning that happened in the drawing and painting of it… So that’s a good thing.

While I don’t know if my final preferred forms will be watercolor illustration, digital illustration, or acrylic work, I know I’m moving forward… and that makes me happy.

Have you gone back to a lost passion later in life? How did it go for you? I’m finding that for me, now at 50 it’s a lot easier to let go of my requirement to be perfect the first time I try something. Giving myself permission to stink at drawing and then to draw LOTS daily has gone a long way to improving my abilities. I can now actually create a recognizable likeness of my friends when they are playing a tabletop RPG!  And of people in photos. My imagination still needs work. <winks>

Hope you enjoy the video.

Way Too Busy…deadlines everywhere!

In addition to embroidery, I’m also a tech writer and editor. And currently up to my ears in deadlines. Oops. I’ve run through my backlog of already-typed posts, and don’t have time to put more together and get them up just now. So today, if writing and making a living writing interest you, I’m going… Continue Reading

Cardinal Needlepainting Progress

Cardinal Needlepainting Progress

So I’ve been working (albeit slowly) on the cardinal needlepainting. The angle of the long and short stitches on the female bird was tricky. But I like the results. Her coloring came out more greenish than originally intended, or than the photo. This is due to using my painting as a source, rather than the… Continue Reading

NeedlePainting Colors

NeedlePainting Colors

Remember this painting of two cardinals I posted about a while (forever) ago? I’m finally ready to get started on the actual needlepainting! Life does intervene, doesn’t it? Anyway. Picking colors is one of my favorite parts of needlepainting. I love petting threads and deciding which colors should be optically mixed and what get their… Continue Reading