30 Days… Day 5

Day 5 painting
Torn paper collage and acrylic on canvasboard. Gregg Shorthand “Beauty”

Hmmm. Torn paper collage + Acrylic + Gregg Shorthand = Beauty? 🙂 This is the first result of it. 5X7 on canvas board. $30

Gregg shorthand is a dying (dead?) art form. I took all my notes in it in college, which annoyed people who wanted to copy over my shoulder… I still love the forms and think it should be encouraged as a calligraphy form if nothing else.

Yes, I know that beauty in shorthand has a shorter version. Unfortunately, that shorter version also represents “but” and since there’s no context in this painting for the word, and I like the flowy version better… Longform! 🙂

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