Basic Embroidery Stitches – Colonial Knot

Basic Embroidery Stitches – Colonial Knot

Colonial knots can be a fantastic alternative to french knots. You can see the row of french knots three rows above in the video, and see how similar they appear. There are slight differences in look. The biggest issue is that the size of colonial knots can’t be adjusted by how many times you wrap the needle: you can only wrap it twice.

Centerpiece of Candlewicking

Colonial knots are at the center of candlewicking, along with a “twining stitch” that I haven’t found used much anywhere else. Entire line drawings made with little knots. The main photo for this post is a colonial knot candlewicking kit I found at a garage sale and completed.

I encourage you to play with colonial knots. They’re a lot of fun. If you want to compare them with French Knots, see my post on french knots.

MooshieStitch recently did a lovely little Colonial Knot Phlox flower project and posted about it on her blog!

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